Why do we study sociology

Sociology is expressed as follows: [1]

• Set of behaviors.
• Value.
• Behaviors.
• Various political processes.
• Organizations.
• Governments.
• Families.

Understanding social forces

Sociology enables a better understanding of the social forces that shape life, and allows the individual how to deal with it, and sociology also provides basic knowledge about social interactions, society, and organizations, which helps to develop professional and practical life, and works to encourage the individual in preparation for the experience of careers Specific, through studying certain sectors of society, and improving various social skills, such as: analytical thinking, problem solving, collecting and interpreting information, and writing reports. [3]

The field of sociology also helps us to look in an objective manner in the living community, and draws attention to how the parts of society fit together, as well as the causes and consequences of social change. For example: the social environment in modern industrial societies is characterized by its bureaucratic sophistication and its accelerated change, and thus, The study of sociology provides the conceptual and methodological tools for understanding contemporary life, by focusing on external obstacles related to social work, which would help to understand the human psyche and better understand the motives of others. It is worth noting that sociology provides all the tools that enable it to play an active role in society and achieve social justice. [2]

Multiple science

Teaching and research are still the dominant activities among many sociologists, but sociologists nevertheless participate in many professional and craft paths, and other forms of employment that are growing in number and importance. For example, sociologists work with economists, and scientists Politicians, psychologists, anthropologists, social workers, etc., therefore, this reflects the extent to which sociology contributes to analysis and to multiple disciplines. [1]


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